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I've always been pro life. I value my Christian beliefs. I believe that God creates and knows each of us in the womb.

In a long term relationship, and a perfectionist about taking my birth control pills, I was shocked to find out that I was pregnant. I still feel shocked and frustrated.


Hello. I've had two abortions in my lifetime. The first at 14 after I had been raped by a neighbor. That cost me membership to my church and being ostracized because members of my family felt the need to judge me and bring others into it.


I was 20 and part of a fundamentalist Christian group that worked with underprivileged children in New York City. If I had told any of the leaders, I would have been sent back to my church and family in shame. That had happened to another young woman I knew – she was thrown out of the program, and sent back home – while the young man got a stern lecture but no consequences.


I'm in my early 30s, married, never before pregnant. I just returned home from a surgical abortion. I grew up with a strict father and born again Christian mother, and my parents consider abortion to be the worst thing...killing a child.


I was 14 years old, and I was raped. He was more than twice my age, and he was my then boyfriend's older brother. I'm from a severe Catholic family, so I knew that they wouldn't understand.


I got pregnant while living in Guatemala as a volunteer teacher. My Mayan boyfriend was not a suitable life partner for me, and had once told me he was anti-abortion and that if I was ever in a situation where I wanted one I shouldn't tell him--so I didn't.

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