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I got pregnant while living in Guatemala as a volunteer teacher. My Mayan boyfriend was not a suitable life partner for me, and had once told me he was anti-abortion and that if I was ever in a situation where I wanted one I shouldn't tell him--so I didn't.


I was 19, went to a clinic to get on the birth control pill (this was 1971, pre Roe days). The clinic Dr found a mass in my breast,so I had to have surgery.


On my 26th birthday weekend, the man I've been seeing for a few months took me out to dinner and we had an incredible time, as we always did.


Although the details are rather fuzzy, I do remember how I felt when I decided to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at age 19.


At the age of 15 was when I had my first abortion. Society has everyone think that we have no power over our own bodies and choices, and at 15 legally we almost have none.

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