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Statement on the Passage of WHPA

WHPA is an important step from Congress that would prohibit states from imposing onerous restrictions, much like the bills we're seeing passed all across the nation, including the recently-enacted SB8 in Texas, the most restrictive abortion law in the country. 


When we dated, we had talked about what would happen if I were to get pregnant, abortion was always the option. I have always been very pro-choice and thought that decision would be a no brainer.


I exist because my mother was able to access abortion. If she had not had an abortion, she would not have had me later in her life. Because she made her choice, she had me when she was ready and had the support she needed to raise me.


I got my abortion during the Covid-19 Pandemic. I was finishing my final semester remotely and knew that my best option was an abortion. The person who got me pregnant was manipulating me constantly and I knew that I could not have a baby with this person.

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