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It was my junior year in high school and I was 17 years old, A and B honor roll student and, I had been with my boyfriend for about 5 years that year. The day before Valentines day, year of 2015, I had found out I was pregnant,the first person I told was him, he was thrilled, I on the other hand was not.


Everything happened more a year ago. I was dating a guy everything was going well it wasn't until we moved in together that the emotional and physical abuse started.


It really pisses me off that I feel the need to label myself here as anonymous, but due to living at my conservative Christian parent's house (even at the age of 30), I will have to continue hiding this.


I was 16 years old when I became pregnant by an emotionally abusive boyfriend. I knew that I could not take care of a child when I was still so young myself. I also knew that if I had the baby, I would be connected to this abusive man for the rest of my life.


I think the most important thing everyone wants to hear is how the abortion happened, what it felt like and how I feel now. Well I just recently got the abortion less than 24 hours ago.

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