Statement on Florida’s Anti-CRT Bill
“This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis introduced a bill that would allow parents to sue the school system if their child receives critical race theory. DeSantis has continuously used the idea of CRT to drum up support from racists seeking to put a stop to the movement for racial justice.
All young people deserve to see themselves reflected in school curricula. Research shows that a person’s identities are strongly linked to their health outcomes. We can’t, and shouldn’t, ignore the unique challenges youth of color are facing in their lives. And we need to be supporting our educators in working to build inclusion and equity, not putting them under the threat of litigation. The backsliding on racial justice has to stop. Young people are working to move this country forward, not backward, and that means fighting for justice and liberation for everyone.
We urge Florida’s legislature to throw this bill on the trash pile where it belongs,” said Diana Thu-Thao Rhodes, Vice President for Policy, Partnerships, and Organizing.