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One summer when I was 16, I had an abortion. I was brought up in a conservative Methodist home in Texas. I had gotten pregnant by my boyfriend at the time, we were young curious hormonal teenagers.


1989 and I was 18 I was in that "stupid" love with my high school boyfriend. I just thought he was the best thing ever. I was on birth control pills but not only did I take them wrong, I also had a urinary tract infection and was given antibiotics.


Abortion was my ticket to a happy, successful, prosperous future.

When I was 18, I got pregnant due to birth control failure. I had an abortion and never looked back. I felt no regret. Only "phew!"


I found out I was pregnant when I was 32. I had a 13 year old at the time. I called my boyfriend (also the father of my 13 year old) and told him. I was crying hysterically. I knew that I didn't want another child, but didn't "believe" in abortion unless you were raped. This was my own personal belief at the time. I didn't preach or anything like that.


I started seeing a therapist again after my abortion. She tells me it’s OK to talk about this, but I know I’m not supposed to.

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