Trump’s “Domestic Gag Rule” will greatly harm young people
That the Administration has issued a misguided, cruel policy to strip people of critical reproductive health information and services is hardly surprising – they’ve done it over and over again since day one. The Administration has been so focused on taking away abortion access that they don’t care about the devastating consequences to our health and our families.
This rule is an attempt to take away basic human rights. It will lead to more unplanned pregnancies and create worse health outcomes for women and families, especially for low-income people and people of color. Young people should have the right to access the health care they need, but instead, the administration is doing everything in their power to block access to contraception, STI testing and treatment, cancer screenings, general women’s health exams, and information about safe, legal abortion. It’s just the latest hypocritical move for an administration that claims to be ‘pro-life’ while promoting abstinence-only miseducation that endangers young people, cruelly separating immigrant parents from their children, and enabling mass shootings that keep young people in the crosshairs. We must stand firm against this gag rule to protect for the reproductive and sexual health, rights, and well-being of women, young people, LGBTQ, low-income and communities of color.