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My story is simple. I got pregnant when I was 26 and did not want a baby then, or as it would turn out, ever. It was a careless mistake of not using protection when I thought I was in a safe point of my cycle.


I was 19 years old and it was my first pregnancy. I used birth control always except once. I wasn't in love and I wasn't ready to have a child.


I never thought I'd be in the position, I was. I never thought it would happen to me. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was just over 14 weeks.

Statement on Commission on Unalienable Rights

On Monday, July 8, Secretary Pompeo announced the creation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights, chaired by Professor Mary Ann Glendon. He promised that the commission would undertake “a review of the role of human rights in American foreign policy.” This Commission is merely the State Department’s attempt to narrowly redefine the human rights of women and girls, young people, and LGBTQ people under so-called religious liberty. 

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