

Being brought up in a large Catholic family, I was raising myself after being lost in the shuffle. I started hanging out with people 5-7 years older than me when I was 14-16. I didn’t have a lot of parenting so I was probably looking for a father figure? I was madly in love with someone that was 24 and me 16. I got pregnant and was so afraid of telling my parents about it I confided in the people whom I was a caretaker for their children. They called my mom. By that time I was 3 months pregnant. I was so afraid! I hid out from my dad for a long time. Finally, we talked and he asked me what I wanted to do. He asked me if I wanted to have the baby and wreck my life with a bastard kid on my hands or have an abortion. I opted for the abortion at 5.5 months into the pregnancy and my parents took me to New York. I didn’t think about nothing but being brave. It was on my 17th birthday. I never thought about it until I was older because I blocked it out of my mind. Sometimes I feel guilt because I was so far along. I still think I did the right thing. I am now 58 years old. Just wanted to vent.