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School Health Equity Newsletter November 2016


Feature: AMAZE

Advocates for Youth, in collaboration with Answer and Youth Tech Health, is proud to announce the release of AMAZE, a new animated video playlist and sexual health resource. These videos, approximately two to three minutes each, provide information on puberty, identity and expression, healthy relationships and STDs/HIV prevention. The videos are geared towards a younger audience ages 10-14 and provides accurate, quality sexual health information. In addition to the videos themselves, AMAZE provides information for parents as well as educators encouraging engagement and conversation between youth and trusted adults. Watch the AMAZE videos and find out more information.



Webinars and Program Guidance Documents

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Adolescent Health, has made a variety of webinars and program guidance documents available on their website. Each webinar includes a recording, a slide deck and a transcript available for download. The most recent webinar, held on August 30th 2016 is titled “Breaking the Cycle of Intergenerational Teen Pregnancy Using a Trauma Informed Approach.” Webinars are typically held twice a month. Other webinars include, “How to Make it Happen: LGBTQ Inclusivity,” “Workforce Development to Support & Engage Young Fathers,” and “Build Your Program and They Will Come? Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Partners and Participants.” Access the webinars and find more information.

Girls Health.Gov

This informational website intended for adolescent girls is maintained by the Office of Women’s Health. It contains a wealth of information geared for adolescent girls on topics like fitness, nutrition, relationships, drugs and substance abuse, safety and more, including sexual health. In addition to publications, the site has quick and fun quizzes to complete and various tips and tools on relevant topics such as “8 Tips for Texting and Connecting Online Friendships” and “Best Types of Exercise.” An STD section contains basic facts, and a search tool where in youth can put in their zip code to find places to get tested. The site is inclusive to girls living with illness and disability. Visit the website and find out more.


2016 STD Surveillance Report
STDs are on the rise in the United States, according to the 2015 STD Surveillance Report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis combined were rated higher than ever before, and young people between the ages of 15 to 24 accounted for approximately two-thirds of chlamydia diagnoses and half of gonorrhea diagnosis in 2015. The report provides additional statistics as well as information on why public health commitment is essential to enhance STD prevention. Read the release and find out more about the current rates of STDs.

“Going Beyond Accountability: How Does Data Help School and District Leaders?”
A new white paper has been published by Lexia Learning regarding the nature of data and its ability to have a transformative impact on education and educational programming. This paper analysis the pros and cons of different types of data collection including that data generated from standardized testing models and No Child Left Behind. The paper compares and contrasts this data with that gathered after the Every Student Succeeds Act passed in 2015. Read the white paper.


Fulfil! A Guidance Document for the Implementation of Young People’s Sexual Rights

The World Association for Sexual Health and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) have created a document for the implementation of young people’s sexual health. This guide gives tips on translating the rights on paper into practice. The document has been reviewed by numerous experts on human rights, sexual and reproductive health and youth communities. The guide addresses opportunities for implementation of young people’s sexual health in an international context and provides information for health providers, educators and policy makers. Access the guidance document.


National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Bill of Rights

National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) has introduced a Bill of Rights available on their website for download. The first NYHAAD took place on April 10th 2013 with the goal to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, getting tested, taking prevention measures and erasing stigma. The Bill of Rights contains five articles: the right to live free from oppression, the right to education, the right to prevention, the right to treatment and care, and the right to live without criminalization, discrimination and stigma. In addition to this new release NYHAAD holds a multitude of online resources available for educators including toolkits, online training modules and informational videos. Review the bill of rights and find out more about NYHAAD here.

This document was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health (CDC-DASH) under cooperative agreement 1UP87PS004154. The contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. divider

To submit an article, announcement, or resource for the School Health Equity Newsletter, please email Lauren Ainsworth at

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