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School Health Equity Newsletter January 2016

Advocates for Youth Newsletter


Feature: 2014 School Health Profiles

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) recently released the 2014 School Health Profiles (Profiles) results. Profiles is a system of surveys assessing school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories. The results release includes:

  • a comprehensive report that includes results from surveys conducted in:
    • 48 states
    • 19 large urban school districts
    • 2 territories
  • a fact sheet describing Profiles and highlighting key 2014 results
  • a PowerPoint presentation that presents state results, by quartiles, on a U.S. map
  • all questionnaires and item rationales
  • information on how to obtain Profiles datasets
  • technical documentation for data analysis

Profiles monitor the current status of school health education requirements and content, practices related to bullying and sexual harassment, school-based health services, family engagement and community involvement, and school health coordination. To view the results, click here.


Know the Facts First. The Office on Women’s Health, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors, and National Coalition of STD Directors developed this campaign to provide teen girls 13 to 19 with accurate information about sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and STI prevention so that they can make informed decisions. The campaign is also relevant to teen boys who experience the same kinds of questions, worries, and pressures about sex as teen girls. Know the Facts First supports teens in getting the facts they need to ask the right questions, engage in healthy conversations, access the best resources, and feel empowered to protect themselves from STIs. To view the campaign, click here.

CDC Act Against AIDS Initiative: Doing It. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Act Against AIDS initiative recently launched a new national bilingual HIV and AIDS testing campaign, Doing It, which emphasizes the importance of HIV testing for all people aged 18–64. In addition to encouraging testing for all adults, the campaign focuses on populations who are most at risk for HIV in the United States. Together, we can help emphasize the importance of testing by spreading the word to everyone that Doing It should be a normal part of living a healthy life. To find out more about the campaign and view resources, click here.

Real Talk: Conversations and resources about sexuality for young people with disabilities and sexual health providers (Real Talk). Supported by a grant from the HSC Foundation the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) have supported Real Talk that has provided the space for young people with disabilities to create tips and resources for sexual health providers and other professionals on how they can provide inclusive, culturally-appropriate, accessible education and resources to people with disabilities based their experiences with sexual health providers. The Real Talk Provider Toolkit and additional materials for sexual and reproductive health providers about inclusion and accommodations when working with this people with all types of disabilities can be found here.


The Teaching Transgender Toolkit: A Facilitator’s Guide to Increasing Knowledge, Decreasing Prejudice & Building Skills. The Teaching Transgender Toolkit is a collection of resources and lesson plans for teaching transgender-related information such as understanding transgender terminology and creating supportive environments to a variety of audiences, including high school and college students, educational professionals, medical and social service providers, community groups and faith communities, and more. To purchase the toolkit, click here.

Supporting LGBTQ Youth: Creating inclusiveness & equity in sexual & reproductive health programs. This supplement helps teachers create a responsive and inclusive teaching environment for all students in sexual and reproductive health classes, creates greater awareness of LGBTQ issues for teachers and students, and is considered a “green light” adaptation for existing evidence-based programs. To purchase the toolkit, click here.


Connecting the Dots: Collaborating to Achieve Lasting Impacts for Youth. The 2016 Health and Human Services Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantee Conference will take place July 19-21, 2016 in Baltimore, MD. This conference is for invited grantees funded by the Office of Adolescent Health; the Administration for Children & Families, Family & Youth Services Bureau; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Reproductive Health; and the CDC Division of Adolescent and School Health.

Roles, Relationships, & Relevance in the Changing Landscape of Adolescent Health. The 37th Annual Healthy Teen Network conference will take place November 15-17, 2016 at the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa. Stay tuned for the call for workshop and roundtable proposals in January!


The National Collaboration to Promote Health, Wellness, and Academic Success of School-Age Children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 funds to implement FOA DP16-1601, National Collaboration to Support Health, Wellness and Academic Success of School-Age Children. The five priority areas in this FOA are: (1) Physical Education and Physical Activity, (2) School Nutrition Environment and Services, (3) Out of School Time Healthy Eating and Physical Activity, (4) School Health Services for Managing Chronic Conditions, (5) School Health Services for Promoting Sexual Health. The deadline for submission is January 19, 2016. For more information and to apply, click here.


Examples of SHAC work. The NGOs are working on a webinar to address SHACs across the Approaches. One of the goals is to provide SEAs with examples that can be modified to support accomplishing 1308 activities for each approach at the state level. If you have an example of how your SHAC or coalition group advanced ESHE, SHS, or SSE work please share please email or call Mary Beth Szydlowski at or 202.419.3420.

This document was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health (CDC-DASH) under cooperative agreement 1UP87PS004154. The contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

To submit an article, announcement, or resource for the School Health Equity Newsletter, please call email Mary Beth at

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