The #1in3IllumiNATION tour comes to Ohio!
For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 16, 2016
Contact: Rev. Laura Young, 614-893-8447
Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, and Advocates for Youth to Shine a Light on Importance of Protecting Abortion Access with Innovative Projection Tour
–The #1in3llumiNation Tour Will Project Images onto Landmarks and Buildings Across the Country in States With Some of the Nation’s Most Extreme Abortion Regulations
Columbus, OH —As the Supreme Court considers the most important abortion case in 20 years, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, and Advocates for Youth are taking action, partnering with local activists to literally shine a light on the importance of protecting abortion access and sharing personal abortion stories through a projection tour. With the help of acclaimed activist and artist Robin Bell, Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, Advocates for Youth, and a coalition of partner organizations around the country will form light brigades, spelling out “STAND WITH 1 in 3,” and project images on buildings in Texas, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Washington D.C., culminating with a rally outside of the Supreme Court on June 18.
In Ohio, 18 restrictions on abortion care have been enacted since Gov. John Kasich took office. Targeted Restrictions on Abortion Providers (TRAP Laws), waiting periods, restrictions on Medicaid and other insurance coverage, and other barriers make it difficult for women to access this constitutionally-guaranteed medical procedure. People accessing clinics are often harassed as they enter and exit facilities, which lack buffer zones of protection for patients. The Republican-dominated Ohio General Assembly is conducting an assault on reproductive freedoms, seeking to effectively eliminate legal abortion, and attempting to shame women and stigmatize this safe and legal procedure.
“The majority of people of faith are pro-choice, but anti-choice religious voices have hijacked the conversation, leading many to believe that all religious people condemn a woman who terminates a pregnancy. We believe that God has entrusted a woman with moral autonomy to decide the course of her life, including when and whether she brings a child into the world,” said Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Executive Director, Rev. Laura Young. “Our shared religious values of compassion, care, and love, cause us to stand with a woman as she makes reproductive health decisions — without government interference and in consultation with a medical provider and spiritual adviser, if she so chooses,” she said.
“The #1in3IllumiNation Tour will bring together activists, artists and members of the community to transform landmarks, intersections, and buildings across the country into artistic reminders that abortion touches all of our lives,” said Deb Hauser, president of Advocates for Youth. “We will reclaim the use of images that for too long have been used to silence and shame people about their abortion experiences. One in three women will have an abortion in her lifetime. Their stories should light the way for the Supreme Court as it decides this important case.”
The innovative #1in3IllumiNation tour began in Austin, Texas on June 11, touring in the following cities:
- Austin, TX: June 11th
- Memphis, TN: June 13th
- Nashville, TN: June 14th
- Indianapolis, IND: June 15th
- Columbus, OH: June 16th
- Charleston, WV: June 17th
- Washington, D.C.: June 18th
The tour is part of Advocates for Youth’s 1 in 3 Campaign, which shares abortion stories to highlight that abortion touches all of our lives—1 in 3 women will have an abortion in her lifetime. For more information on tour locations and times, please visit
About the 1 in 3 Campaign: The 1 in 3 Campaign, a project of Advocates for Youth, is a grassroots movement designed to ignite a new conversation about abortion, through storytelling, to end the stigma around abortion care in America. Its mission: to ensure that abortion remains safe, legal, and affordable. For more information, please visit:
About Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice: The Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice brings to bear the moral power of religious communities to ensure reproductive choice through education, advocacy, and counseling. The Coalition seeks to give clear voice to the reproductive issues of people of color, those living in poverty, and other underserved populations. Please visit:
About Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio: Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio is committed to protecting access to reproductive health care and rights for all Ohioans through advocacy, education, lobbying and electoral activity. Please visit:
About Advocates for Youth: Advocates for Youth is a 501(c)3 organization that champions efforts that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates believes it can best serve the field by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent sexual health. Advocates focuses its work on young people ages 14-25 in the U.S. and around the globe. Please visit: