Trump Administration Attacks Health of Women and Girls Globally
Earlier this week, the Trump Administration took yet another blatant and calculated step to jeopardize the reproductive and sexual health and rights of women and girls globally by issuing a negative Kemp-Kasten Amendment determination on the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), essentially cutting the US contribution to the UN agency. The decision to eliminate funding to UNFPA means less access to family planning and lifesaving sexual and reproductive health care—a concerning message for the United States to send to the rest of the world given its position of leadership and supposed role in advancing human rights. Advocates for Youth is outraged by the Administration’s decision as this will undermine access to family planning, maternal health, and gender equality programs around the world.
UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories, home to more than 80 per cent of the world’s population. With support from the United States, UNFPA in 2016 was able to save the lives of 2,340 women from dying during pregnancy and childbirth; prevent 947,000 unintended pregnancies; ensure 1,251 fistula surgeries; and prevent 295,000 unsafe abortions.
The decision to eliminate the US contribution to UNFPA comes after the Trump proposed to cut funding by 28% from the State Department and USAID in FY18, and reinstated and expanded the Global Gag Rule, which prohibits foreign organizations that receive US global health assistance funding from using any of their other funding to provide, refer, promote, or educate about abortion, even in countries where abortion is legal. Advocates for Youth knows the importance of these programs for young people across the world and will work tirelessly to continue to ensure that they are able to access the resources and services they need to lead healthy lives.