Statement on Executive Order Attacking K-12 Education
The Trump Administration’s unbridled racism, homophobia, and transphobia is wreaking havoc in our government, with the latest attack coming on K-12 schools and teachers in the form of an executive order banning honest discussion of race and gender.
Said Diana Thu-Thao Rhodes, Vice President for Policy, Partnerships, and Organizing
“All young people deserve to be safe and celebrated at school, and to see themselves reflected in school curricula. Research shows that a person’s identities are strongly linked to their health outcomes. We can’t, and shouldn’t, ignore the unique challenges BIPOC youth and LGBTQ+ youth are facing in their lives. We need to support our educators in working to build inclusion and equity, not allowing our government to threaten them and force propaganda lessons. Trump is creating an atmosphere that threatens young people’s health and safety, and decreases the quality of education.”