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SEA Institute 2016

On November 28-29, 2016 in Washington D.C., Advocates for Youth (Advocates), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD), with support from ETR and DASH, convened sixteen PS13-1308 funded State Education Agencies (SEAs) for a day and a half Institute. The SEA Institute focused on capacity building and professional development to address sustainability: its definition, importance and applicability to PS13-1308 activities. Partners had networking opportunities and the chance to share their PS13-1308 successes and activity progress with a new presentation style called Ignite, which was a huge success.

The three overall objectives for the Institute:

  1. Apply evidence-based practices to support implementation and sustainability of PS13-1308 required activities in ESHE, SHS, SSE, and Policy.
  2. Implement specific action steps to embed sustainability strategies into professional development (PD) and meeting opportunity held during Years 4-5.
  3. Continue strengthening connections among SEAs, NGOs, and PLC at ETR colleagues to address challenges and increase capacity to sustain PS13-1308 Strategy 2 activities with priority districts.

To view highlights from the Institute, including workshops presentations and materials, please see below.

SEA Institute 2016 Working Documents:

SEA Ignite Presentations

The NGOs started out the 2016 Institute with the opportunity for SEAs to share their PS13-1308 programmatic successes and opportunities that address sustainability. Utilizing the presentation style called Ignite, these presentations were designed to be engaging and informative for both the audience and the presenters, all in 5 minutes. Not only were the Ignite presentations a success in sharing information about things such as forming a youth advisory committee and heling school districts utilize resources for school-based wellness centers; but several states reported that they would use this type of format for presenting information to their own districts after the Institute.


Day 1

Day 2

Other Sustainability Resources:


Also, check out full 2015 Institute information here!


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