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  • About Advocates for Youth and National Network of Abortion Funds
  • Meet Youth Testify Youth Leaders


When it comes to abortion access, too many young people face difficult barriers to getting the care we need.

To seek an abortion, we often have to:

    • Raise at least $450 or more for the procedure
    • Attend multiple appointments to satisfy state waiting periods–often using public transportation to get there and sometimes needing money for a hotel we can’t afford
    • Risk disciplinary action at school for missing multiple classes while navigating the system
    • Prove permission from a parent or guardian in many states, and/or
    • Go to court to prove to a judge we’re capable of making decisions about our own bodies –pushing the procedure later and making it even more expensive

And that’s above and beyond the barriers adults face in many states.

This is wrong, and Youth Testify leaders are working to change it.

Youth should have the right to access abortion care when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Young people have always been at the forefront of the fight for abortion care, but rarely have our needs been addressed others in the fight. Today we step up as leaders fighting for youth access to abortion care.

Young people have always been at the forefront of change. Historically, young people have been the ones to envision and create a freer and more compassionate future for their friends and families. That’s why Advocates for Youth and We Testify respectively, are proud to co-lead Youth Testify, a collaborative program investing in the leadership of young people who’ve had abortions. For media inquiries, please contact beth@wetestify.org or press@advocatesforyouth.org



Copyright 2020 Advocates for Youth and We Testify

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