Statement on the victory of President Biden and Vice President Harris
Advocates for Youth congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their historic victory. Young people voted in record numbers and were crucial to the win, according to early and mail-in voting statistics. Committed to racial, gender, and disability justice and liberation, these powerful and motivated activists will keep pushing until all young people are safe and supported in their communities.
“Young people have fought the Trump administration at every turn, even as they are the targets of its lust for violence and cruelty. We mourn the lives and the freedoms that have been lost under their regime, and we know that there is still a long road until we have reached justice and liberation for all young people.
But make no mistake, young people put aside many of their differences with the Biden-Harris ticket, and turned out with the faith that they will listen to who put them in power. It’s clear young progressives and their allies turned out to vote in much higher numbers than 2016, and they expect results. We will work together with young people to remain vigilant and ensure that the Biden-Harris administration and Congress commit to progressive solutions, including abortion access for all, expanded access to free healthcare, and a true commitment to racial justice that not only stops the explosion of white nationalist terrorism, but also provides real economic opportunity for people of color, and listens to young activists on the ground about what they truly need to move this country forward.
Advocates for Youth is absolutely thrilled to see the first Black American and Asian American woman Vice President of this country. History was made today, and we’re happy to celebrate this long-overdue progress.” Debra Hauser, President, Advocates for Youth