


National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) is coming up! Young people across the country will be hosting events to honor this year’s NYHAAD and the brand new NYHAAD Bill of Rights — a declaration of the civil rights of young people in the wake of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Want to get involved?

Sign up to host an event to commemorate this year’s NYHAAD.

In 2015, youth activists secured NYHAAD proclamations in Brooklyn, NY, Denver, CO, and Madison County, IL, and held over 135 educational and testing events nationwide. Want to get in on the action? You can host your own event, and get materials, swag and support from Advocates for Youth, to educate your community about the impact of HIV and AIDS on young people, and highlight the amazing work young people and their allies are doing across the country to fight the HIV & AIDS epidemic.



 Register your event here by March 25, 2016 to receive materials.