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Support youth activists working for reproductive and sexual health and rights.


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Reproductive Rights and Justice

In 2017 and 2018 alone we’ve seen dozens of attacks on our access to abortion care – from the President, to Republican-controlled Congress, to Democrats who say they’ll abandon our rights when the going gets tough. But access to reproductive health care is non-negotiable and must include both family planning and abortion care. As young people, we refuse to work with leaders who bargain away our rights to bodily autonomy and ultimately our health

Racial Justice

Young people are leading the movement toward just and safe communities for all. We are on the front lines of those working for the rights of Blacks, Latinos/as, Asian Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Muslims, immigrants, and refugees. Stand against one of us and you stand against all of us.

Immigrant Rights

Immigrant youth deserve to live in our country with dignity and respect. There is no room in our world for racist and hate-filled assaults that shame and scapegoat young immigrants working to make a life for themselves in this country. An attack on DACA, and any attack on immigrant youth, is an attack on all of us. We stand with our fellow young people, regardless of their documentation.

LGBTQ Rights

Young people support LGBTQ rights more than any other generation. LGBTQ youth have the right to live free from bullying, to safe spaces, and to express who we are as we choose. We’re horrified by anti-trans bathroom bills, policies that allow business to refuse service just because someone is LGBT, and bullying of LGBTQ young people in their schools and communities, and by politicians who don’t work to stop these outrages.

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