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Welcome to ARSHEP, the Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Education Project.

ARSHEP is a comprehensive educational tool for adolescent reproductive and sexual health.  Created for clinicians, residency programs, medical educators, and individual learners, the ARSHEP modules provide a curated set of lectures, created as PowerPoint slide decks, that can be freely downloaded, modified, and presented to audiences of clinical providers including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician associates, and others who provide care and services to adolescent patients.  ARSHEP also includes patient-interaction videos, which provide demonstrations for learning and discussion.

Initially developed by Physicians for Reproductive Health (, the ARSHEP lectures are now a project of Advocates for Youth, and are currently being updated with a new look, up-to-date research and recommendations, and AMAZE videos.  AMAZE videos, created to provide sexuality education to young teens ages 10 to 14, are included as a resource that can be brought into clinical settings to enhance patient education. To learn more about AMAZE and how to use the videos and resources in clinical settings, please visit

The ARSHEP lectures are free to use, and may be downloaded to use in providing trainings to clinician audiences, or may be read as a learning source for individual learners.  All lectures were created with the collaboration of a faculty of physicians across the country with extensive experience in Adolescent Medicine.

Want to request a faculty member to provide training directly, either in-person or virtually?  Contact Karen Torres at

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