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Larada Lee-Wallace is a community organizer, doula, reproductive justice practitioner, writer, and abortion storyteller. She has had her abortion story and work featured in publications such as The Nation, NBC News, Cosmopolitan, NPR, HuffPost, and Women’s Health Magazine. They began organizing in their hometown of Columbus, Ohio, at the age of fifteen in the aftermath of the 2014 Black Lives Matter Uprisings and have been engaged in both statewide and national political organizing efforts since. Larada currently serves on the Board of Directors for California’s only statewide abortion fund, ACCESS Reproductive Justice, and was a youth activist with the Abortion Out Loud and Youth Testify cohorts before joining as staff.
Larada is passionate about expanding abortion access and decentering white, cisgender, and heterosexual voices and pathology in conversations around abortion and bodily autonomy. She strives to make this a reality through training and educating youth on how to advocate and speak about abortion in a way that is liberating and destigmatized, sharing their own abortion story publicly, and supporting people through their own abortion experiences by crafting a compassionate, judgment-free, abortion positive environment as a doula. In her free time, Larada enjoys cooking, spending time with loved ones, and going to the beach.

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